Delaware Ladybug


Nebraska Overview

What is a Green Amendment?

Green Amendments are self executing provisions added to the bill of rights section of a constitution that recognize and protect the rights of all people, including future generations, to pure water, clean air, a stable climate, and healthy environments.

Nebraska Landscape

What’s happening in Nebraska?

A group is forming to educate and engage communities around the idea of a Nebraska Green Amendment. The Green Amendment language the leadership team has been working to develop currently reads:

Join the Green Amendment Movement

To join the Green Amendment movement & stay ahead of the curve on what is happening in Nebraska and nationwide, sign up for your free membership here so you receive our newsletter, updates and other ways to engage in Nebraska and beyond.

The Green Amendments Action Platform

The Green Amendments Action Platform is another great space to join a closed community of Green Amendment activists to talk about the movement, learn from others, learn what is going on, share your ideas, and to ask your questions and get them answered.  You can join this online platform via your computer by signing up at this link.  Or you can download the Action Platform as an app to your phone by going to the app store and searching for Green Amendments FTG.

National Green Amendments Movement

Find out where else we are working.

Learn more about Green Amendments For the Generations at